Large Animal Services

Maintaining Herd Health
for Your Operation.
We are firm believers in the ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, philosophy. Your livestock should provide you with the best return on investment possible, and that can’t be achieved if you are consistently treating them for health issues. Don’t be blindsided by unforseen circumstances, plan ahead with our on-farm and in-clinic cattle services.
On-Site Medical Care
Our haul-in facility makes it easy for you to place your animals in a comfortable environment for scheduled checkups and procedures. This space allows us to perform lameness exams and treat sick animals in a comfortable, convenient setting.
We offer full-service care for all your calving needs. Our haul-in facility is designed for the comfort and safety of the cow. This allows the client to step back and allow us to take care of the problem, whether it requires a Caesarean section to be performed or the correcting of an abnormal presentation and the need to pull the calf.
Beef Cow/Calf Health Management
We offer on-farm services to keep your herd productive and profitable. We focus on preventative medicine to minimize production losses due to sickness or poor fertility. Pregnancy diagnosis, calf processing and bull breeding soundness examinamtions are the foundation of a healthy and productive herd. Call to schedule your herd work.
Dairy Herd Health Management
To manage the health and productivity of your dairy herd, we make farm visits for consultation, reproductive management, lameness concerns, milk quality, and more. Get in touch with us to schedule your herd health visit today.
Feedlot Health Consultation
The basis of our association with feedlots is to work with the client to determine the best and most profitable way to manage the health of the cattle. We do not use a blanket approach, but customize our health program to their operation and staff. We also provide training and education for the staff of the feedlots.
Equine Veterinary Care
Whether your horse is a performance athlete or a backyard pet, regular veterinary care is equally important. Our team provides dental care, wellness exams and vaccinations. If you are taking your horse out of state we will conduct a Coggins test and examination for a Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection (CVI) which allows you to travel across state lines.